10 Ahrefs Features You Need to Boost Your Search Traffic

If you’re looking to improve your website’s search traffic, Ahrefs is a tool that can help you achieve that goal. Ahrefs is an all-in-one SEO tool that allows you to analyze your website’s performance, identify areas for improvement, and track your progress over time. In this article, we’ll go over ten Ahrefs features that you can use to boost your search traffic and improve your website’s overall SEO.

10 Ahrefs Features

Site Audit

The first feature we’ll discuss is Ahrefs’ Site Audit. This tool crawls your website and identifies any technical SEO issues that may be hindering your search performance. It checks for broken links, missing tags, duplicate content, and other technical problems that can negatively impact your site’s search rankings. By using Site Audit, you can quickly identify and fix these issues, helping to improve your site’s search performance.

Keyword Explorer

The next feature on our list is Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer. This tool allows you to find new keyword opportunities and analyze your competition. With Keyword Explorer, you can enter a keyword and get a list of related keywords, their search volumes, and their difficulty scores. You can also see the top-ranking pages for each keyword and analyze their backlink profiles to see their strategies to rank.

Content Explorer

Another powerful feature of Ahrefs is its Content Explorer. This tool allows you to search for content on any topic and see how it’s performing on social media and in search results. You can enter a keyword or topic and get a list of the most popular content related to that topic, along with metrics such as social shares and backlinks. With Content Explorer, you can find inspiration for your own content and see what’s working well in your industry.

Site Explorer

Site Explorer is another essential feature of Ahrefs. This tool analyzes any website’s backlink profile, organic search traffic, and top-performing pages. You can see which keywords a website is ranking for and get an estimate of its organic search traffic. Site Explorer is a powerful tool for competitor analysis and can help you identify new link-building opportunities.

Rank Tracker

If you want to track your website’s search rankings over time, Ahrefs’ Rank Tracker is a valuable tool. With Rank Tracker, you can monitor your rankings for specific keywords and see how they change over time. You can track your competitors’ rankings and perceive how you stack facing them. Rank Tracker is a powerful tool for monitoring your search performance and identifying areas for improvement.

Content Gap

Content Gap is a feature of Ahrefs that allows you to identify topics that your competitors are ranking for, but you’re not. With Content Gap, you can enter your website and your competitors’ websites and get a list of keywords that your competitors are ranking for, but you’re not. This tool can help you identify new content opportunities and improve your site’s search performance.

Site Explorer > Organic Search

Site Explorer also has an Organic Search feature that allows you to see which keywords your website is ranking for and how much traffic each keyword is driving. You can also see which pages on your site are ranking for each keyword. This tool can help you identify areas where you can improve your content and optimize your site for better search performance.

Backlink Checker

Ahrefs Backlink Checker and, Organizer is a powerful and strong tools for analyzing your website’s backlink profile. With Backlink Checker, you can see which websites are linking to your site, what anchor text they’re using, and how strong those links are. You can also see which pages on your site have the most backlinks and which pages need more links. Backlink Checker is a valuable tool for link building and improvement.


What is Ahrefs, and what can it do?

Ahrefs is a popular SEO (search engine optimization) tool that provides various features to help businesses improve their online visibility. With Ahrefs, you can do keyword research, track rankings, analyze competitors, find backlink opportunities, and more. Some of its key features include Site Explorer, Keyword Explorer, Site Audit, Rank Tracker, Content Explorer, and Alerts.

How much does Ahrefs cost, and are there any free trials or discounts available?

Ahrefs offers several pricing plans depending on your needs and budget. The plans range from $99 to $999 per month and come with different features and limitations. However, Ahrefs does not offer any free trials, but it does provide a 7-day trial for $7 for its Lite and Standard plans. Additionally, Ahrefs offers a 20% annual discount if you pay for a full year upfront.

How accurate are Ahrefs’ data and metrics?

Ahrefs values give precise and modern information and measurements. It claims to have one of the most extensive backlink databases in the industry, with over 12 trillion links indexed. Ahrefs’ keyword database is also continually updated, and its data is refreshed every month. However, like any other SEO tool, Ahrefs’ data and metrics may not be 100% accurate all the time.

Can Ahrefs help with local SEO?

Yes, Ahrefs can be a valuable tool for local SEO. With Ahrefs’ Site Explorer, you can analyze the backlink profiles of your local competitors and find opportunities to build links from local directories and websites. You can also use Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer to find keywords with local intent and track your rankings for those keywords in local search results.

How does Ahrefs compare to other SEO tools like SEMrush and Moz?

Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz are all popular SEO tools with different strengths and weaknesses. Ahrefs is known for its backlink analysis and keyword research capabilities, while SEMrush offers features like social media monitoring and advertising research. Moz, on the other hand, is known for its local SEO tools and on-page optimization features. Ultimately, the choice between these tools depends on your specific needs and preferences.


The comprehensive suite of features and powerful data analysis capabilities can help you identify the most profitable keywords, analyze your competitor’s strategies, and optimize your website for maximum visibility in search engine results pages.

10 Moz Tools You Need to Boost Your Search Traffic
