10 Best VS Code Extensions For Developers

As a developer, having the right tools can significantly enhance your coding experience and productivity. Visual Studio Code (VS Code), a popular code editor, offers a vast array of extensions that can supercharge your workflow. In this article, we’ll explore the 10 best VS Code extensions for developers, with a focus on AI-powered tools. Let’s dive in!


IntelliCode is an AI-driven extension developed by Microsoft. It uses machine learning algorithms to analyze your code and provide intelligent suggestions for completing lines, methods, and even whole blocks. This extension can help you write code faster and with fewer errors, ultimately saving you valuable time and effort.

Code Spell Checker

When writing code, typos and spelling errors can slip through and lead to bugs. Code Spell Checker extension utilizes AI technology to identify spelling mistakes in your code and comments, ensuring that you maintain code quality and professionalism.


Tabnine is an AI autocompletion extension that predicts your next coding actions by analyzing your existing code patterns. It offers intelligent suggestions for completing code lines, reducing the need for repetitive typing. With Tabnine, you can write code faster and more accurately.


GitLens is a powerful extension that brings the capabilities of the Git version control system directly into your VS Code editor. With AI-powered features like code lens annotations, you can easily track code changes, view commit history, and understand who modified specific lines of code. GitLens helps you navigate and collaborate with ease.

Visual Studio IntelliCode Python

For Python developers, the Visual Studio IntelliCode Python extension provides AI-assisted code suggestions specifically tailored for the Python programming language. It saves you time by offering relevant completions and reducing the need to consult external documentation frequently.


Kite is an AI-powered coding assistant that supports multiple programming languages. It offers real-time code completions, documentation, and even code examples while you type. Kite can significantly enhance your coding speed and accuracy across various languages and frameworks.


Polacode is a handy extension that allows you to generate beautiful screenshots of your code. With its AI algorithms, Polacode captures the code and automatically adjusts the layout to create visually appealing images. It’s perfect for sharing code snippets on social media or documentation.

REST Client

REST Client extension enables you to send HTTP requests and view responses directly from within your VS Code editor. Its AI capabilities assist in generating complex API calls and handling authentication, making it easier to interact with web services during development and testing.

Live Share

Live Share is a collaborative extension that enables real-time code sharing and pair programming. With AI-based features like shared server intelligence, Live Share helps developers work together seamlessly, regardless of their physical location.


CodeTour is an extension that allows you to create interactive guided tours of your codebase. With AI-driven features like automated code highlighting and explanation, CodeTour helps onboard new developers and provides a better understanding of complex code structures.


VS Code offers a vast ecosystem of extensions that can significantly enhance your development experience. In this article, we’ve explored 10 of the best VS Code extensions for developers, focusing on AI-powered tools. From AI-driven code completions to collaborative coding experiences, these extensions can boost your productivity, reduce errors, and make coding more enjoyable. Incorporate these extensions into your workflow and unlock the full potential of Visual Studio Code.