10 Features of Behance Every Designer Should Know

As a designer, showcasing your portfolio is essential to attract potential clients and showcase your skills. Behance is a platform that offers designers an excellent opportunity to showcase their work to a global audience. If you’re a designer and haven’t yet explored Behance, you’re missing out on an amazing opportunity. In this article, we’ll discuss the ten features of Behance that every designer should know.

Create a Stunning Portfolio

Behance offers a user-friendly platform for designers to showcase their work. The first step is to create an account and start building your portfolio. The platform allows you to upload high-quality images, videos, and even 3D models to showcase your work. You can also customize your portfolio to match your brand’s color scheme.

Share Your Work With a Global Audience

Behance has a vast community of designers and creative professionals who regularly browse through the platform for inspiration. By sharing your work on Behance, you’re exposing your designs to a global audience. This can lead to more visibility and potential clients for your design work.

Collaborate With Other Designers

Behance offers a platform for designers to connect and collaborate with each other. You can join groups related to your niche and share your work for feedback. Collaborating with other designers can also lead to new opportunities and potential clients.

Follow and Discover Designers

Behance allows you to follow other designers and discover their work. This can be a great source of inspiration and can help you stay up-to-date with the latest design trends.

Behance ProSite

Behance offers a ProSite feature that allows you to create a professional website for your portfolio. This website is customizable and allows you to showcase your work in a unique way. It also integrates with Behance, allowing you to update your portfolio seamlessly.

Behance Jobs

Behance Jobs is a platform that connects designers with potential clients. Clients can post job listings, and designers can apply for the job. This is an excellent opportunity to find new clients and projects.

Behance Creative Career Podcast

Behance offers a podcast called Creative Career, which features interviews with creative professionals. The podcast provides valuable insights and tips for designers looking to grow their careers.

Behance Reviews

Behance offers a review feature, where designers can request feedback on their work from other professionals. This is an excellent opportunity to get constructive feedback and improve your design skills.

Behance ProSite Analytics

Behance ProSite offers analytics that allows you to track your website’s performance. You can see how many visitors your website is getting, which projects are getting the most views, and more. This information can help you optimize your portfolio and improve your online presence.

Behance Mobile App

Behance offers a mobile app that allows you to access the platform on the go. You can browse through the latest designs, discover new designers, and even upload your work directly from your phone.

How does Behance work?

Behance is free to join and use. Once you create an account, you can start building your portfolio by uploading your work. Behance allows you to categorize your work by type, such as graphic design, photography, or illustration. You can also add tags to your work to make it more discoverable to other users.

One of the most powerful features of Behance is its global community. Behance allows you to connect with other creatives, join groups, and even showcase your work in curated galleries. You can also follow other users and stay up-to-date on their latest projects and creative endeavors.

Behance also offers powerful analytics tools to help you track the performance of your portfolio. You can see how many people have viewed your work, where your viewers are located, and even which keywords are driving traffic to your profile.


What is Behance?

Behance is a web-based platform that permits innovative professionals to showcase their work, interface with different experts, and secure and find job opportunities. It is owned by Adobe and is free to use.

What are the 10 features of Behance that every designer should know?

The 10 features of Behance that every designer should know are:

Project pages

Creative fields

Search functionality

Followers and following



Work in progress

Creative network

Job listings

Prosite integration

How can designers use project pages on Behance?

Designers can use project pages on Behance to showcase their work, provide information about their creative process, and receive feedback from other professionals. Project pages allow designers to upload images, videos, and other media to highlight their work.

What is the Creative Network on Behance?

The Creative Network on Behance is a feature that allows designers to connect with other creative professionals from around the world. The Creative Network allows designers to follow other professionals, view their work, and receive updates about their latest projects.

How can designers use Behance to find job opportunities?

Designers can use Behance to find job opportunities by browsing the Job Listings section of the platform. The Job Listings section features job openings from companies around the world that are looking to hire creative professionals. Additionally, designers can create a Prosite portfolio on Behance to showcase their work and attract potential employers.

What is Behance, and how does it work?

Behance is a platform that enables creative professionals to showcase their work online, discover other designers and artists, and find job opportunities. It works as a social network where users can create a portfolio, follow other designers and creatives, and share their projects with the community.

Is Behance free to use?

Yes, Behance is free to use. Users can sign up for a free account and start creating their portfolios and showcasing their work online. However, there are some paid features available, such as the ability to showcase more projects, promote your work, and access additional tools and resources.

Can I use Behance to find job opportunities?

Yes, Behance is a great platform for finding job opportunities in the creative industry. The platform has a job board that allows users to search for and apply to job openings posted by companies and organizations. Additionally, companies and recruiters can also find potential candidates by browsing portfolios and contacting designers and creatives directly.

How can I make my Behance portfolio stand out?

To make your Behance portfolio stand out, it’s important to showcase your best work and use high-quality images and visuals. You should also ensure that your portfolio is well-organized, easy to navigate, and showcases your unique style and creativity. Additionally, actively participating in the Behance community by following and commenting on other designers’ work can help increase your visibility and attract more followers.

Can I use Behance to sell my work?

While Behance is primarily a platform for showcasing and discovering creative work, it does not offer a built-in e-commerce feature to sell your work directly. However, you can use Behance to promote your work and drive traffic to your online store or website where you sell your products or services. Additionally, participating in Behance galleries or contests can help increase your visibility and attract potential buyers.


Behance is an amazing platform for designers to display their work and connect with different experts. By using these ten features, you can maximize your presence on the platform and attract potential clients. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just starting, Behance is a valuable resource that can help you grow your career. Read More

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