16 sites Where Rich Or Kind Individuals Literally Give Away Free Money

While it’s important to exercise caution and skepticism when encountering claims of free money online, there are platforms and communities where individuals may provide financial assistance to those in need. However, there’s no guarantee of receiving money, and it’s crucial to approach such opportunities with skepticism and thorough research. Here are some websites and platforms where people might seek or offer financial assistance:


A popular crowdfunding platform where individuals can create campaigns to raise money for various needs.


A platform that allows creators to receive regular support from fans and followers.

Reddit’s Assistance Subreddits

Subreddits like r/Assistance and r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza are where users might request or offer financial help.


A micro-lending platform where you can lend money to entrepreneurs in developing countries.


A platform where people give away items they no longer need, which could sometimes include money.

Modest Needs

A nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to individuals and families facing short-term emergencies.


A website that helps you find legitimate and well-rated charities that might offer financial assistance.


A not-for-profit association that gives unqualified money moves to people out of luck.


A platform where startup founders might seek investment or donations.


The “free” section of Craigslist might occasionally have offers for free items, services, or money.

Fiverr and Upwork

Platforms where you can offer your skills and services in exchange for money.


A platform that connects individuals facing financial hardships with potential donors.


A platform where you can get paid for completing tasks for others.

Facebook Giving Groups

Some Facebook groups are dedicated to charitable giving and helping needy people.


Occasionally, individuals might offer financial assistance to those in need through Quora.

Local Community Groups

Local churches, community centers, and nonprofits might have programs that offer financial assistance.

Remember, while some of these platforms might provide opportunities for financial assistance, there’s no guarantee that you’ll receive money, and there’s a potential for scams. Always be cautious and verify the legitimacy of any claims before providing personal information or participating in any financial transactions.