3 Tips To Boost Your Self Confidence

Whenever you download an application from the google play store, and use it, after some time a message or a button comes on your application that its new version is available, please update the new version, and you would have to update it because the new version is the best version. It contains updated features, also some new features. In the same way, being confident means, that building confidence means that you make your best version, update yourself, and update your qualities. The process of improving yourself is called confidence building. It doesn’t have anything to do with any other person.

Stop Comparing Yourself

Confidence is not that you are better, smarter, more educated, and more professional than these people, but confidence is that you do not compare yourself to anyone else. If you compare yourself with others change your thinking ASAP, because this thinking pattern is damaging your self-worth and confidence. Accept and believe that there is no such comparison between the sun and the moon, just the same there is no comparison between you and anyone else. Trust your abilities and your talents, and have faith in yourself, you just need to update yourself and become the best version of yourself.

Confidence never comes from comparison, but confidence comes when you stop comparing yourself to others. Does it ever happens to you, you see someone in a better life, you start to feel inferior, and your confidence level decreases, and when you find someone lower than you, your confidence level increases in front of them? This is what happens when you have a comparing mindset. Real confidence is when you can stand in front of all kinds of people, and in all kinds of situations, such confidence comes when you stop comparing yourself to others.

Always remember that every human being has his own strengths and weaknesses. A flyfish cannot run in the jungle, and a lion cannot go into the sea and become its king. So never associate yourself with anybody else.

Improve Your Knowledge

Improve your knowledge, if you are sitting in a gathering, and a topic is being discussed, for instance, mobiles being discussed, which mobile is good or which model of iPhone is good, and what are the features. Everyone is giving their opinions, but you are silent because you don’t have any specific knowledge about mobiles. This situation makes you feel inferior and embarrassed. So, what will you talk about? You will never be able to give any opinion with confidence when you don’t know anything about the topic. Similarly, if someone is talking about politics and you know about politics better, then you will talk more about this topic, and you will be silencing people with your arguments. Your confidence level will be high. So, confidence also comes from knowledge, so try to improve your knowledge as much as possible, read more books, watch documentaries, etc.

Especially with the kind of people you hang out with, you know what topics they talk about the most, so read as much about those topics, and get as much information as possible. Only then will you be able to speak confidently when you have something to say.

Fear and Intimidation

Fear and intimidation reduce self-esteem and self-confidence. You can live with fear or with self-confidence. If you want to increase your confidence level, do things in life that other people are doing comfortably, but you feel fear doing it. It is not that you climb a high fence, or start doing a stunt, but if there is a speech competition in your school or college and you are afraid of giving a speech, then you must participate in this competition. If you are afraid of public speaking, go and talk among people often.

If you have to give a presentation in the office and you find it difficult to give a presentation, in the office raise your hand and say. No doubt you will make mistakes first, but that’s okay, this is the process to learn and grow, just learn from those mistakes, correct them, and show it again, this is the way things work. You will be surprised that after doing this, your confidence level will be increased. You will start believing in yourself, and people will also trust you. So do the things in life that you are afraid to do.

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