5 Guest Posting Mistakes You Need to Avoid at All Costs

Guest posting is a great way to reach new audiences, establish your authority in your field, and improve your website’s SEO. However, there are some common mistakes that people make when guest posting that can hurt their chances of success. Here are five guest posting mistakes you need to avoid at all costs:

Not Researching The Blog or Website

Before pitching a guest post to a blog or website, make sure you do your research. Read through the blog’s existing content to get a sense of the style, tone, and topics they cover. This will help you tailor your pitch and your post to fit their audience.

Writing a Sales Pitch

Guest posting is not an opportunity to promote your products or services. All things being equal, center around offering some benefit to the blog’s perusers. Write an informative, engaging post that shares your expertise and insights on a particular topic.

Not Following The Guidelines

Most blogs and websites have guidelines for guest posts. Ensure you read and adhere to these rules cautiously. Inability to do so could bring about your post being dismissed.

Neglecting The Editing Process

Don’t submit a guest post without proofreading and editing it first. Make sure your post is well-written, free of errors, and formatted correctly. This will make a good impression on the blog’s editors and increase your chances of acceptance.

Forgetting To Promote Your Post

Once your guest post is published, don’t just forget about it. Share it on your own social media channels and promote it to your email list. This will help drive traffic back to the blog and increase your exposure.

By avoiding these five common guest posting mistakes, you can increase your chances of success and reap the benefits of guest posting. Happy writing!


What is Guest Posting?

Guest posting is when you write an article or blog post for another website or blog, as a guest author.

What Are The Advantages of Guest Posting?

Guest posting can help you reach new audiences, establish your authority in your field, and improve your website’s SEO by gaining backlinks to your site.

Why is Researching The Blog or Website Important Before Pitching a Guest Post?

Researching the blog or website allows you to tailor your pitch and your post to fit their audience and style, increasing your chances of acceptance.

Can I Use Guest Posting To Promote My Products or Services?

No, guest posting is not an opportunity to promote your products or services. Instead, focus on providing value to the blog’s readers by sharing your expertise and insights on a particular topic.

Why is Following The Guidelines Important For Guest Posting?

Most blogs and websites have guidelines for guest posts, which if not followed can result in your post being rejected. Following the guidelines shows that you respect the blog’s editors and are serious about guest posting.

Should I Proofread And Edit My Guest Post Before Submitting it?

Yes, proofreading and editing your guest post is essential to ensure that it is well-written, free of errors, and formatted correctly. This will increase your chances of acceptance and make a good impression on the blog’s editors.

How Can I Promote My Guest Post After It’s Published?

You can promote your guest post by sharing it on your own social media channels, promoting it to your email list, and linking to it from your own blog or website. This will help drive traffic back to the blog and increase your exposure.


Guest posting can be a valuable tool for reaching new audiences, establishing authority in your field, and improving your website’s SEO. However, to be successful with guest posting, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can hurt your chances of acceptance.

These mistakes include not researching the blog or website before pitching a guest post, writing a sales pitch instead of providing value to the readers, not following the guidelines, neglecting the editing process, and forgetting to promote the post after it’s published.

By avoiding these mistakes and following best practices for guest posting, you can increase your chances of success and reap the benefits of guest posting. Remember to research the blog or website, provide value to the readers, follow the guidelines, edit your post carefully, and promote your post after it’s published. Happy guest posting!