Money Heist, the popular Spanish TV series on Netflix, has taken the world by storm. The show has captivated audiences with its intricate plot, intense action, and engaging characters. But the show’s popularity has also led to a wave of fan theories, which speculate on the hidden meanings and foreshadowing in the show’s narrative. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most mind-blowing fan theories about Money Heist, and dive into what makes them so compelling.
The Professor’s Real Name
One of the biggest mysteries surrounding the show’s main character, the Professor, is his real name. In the series, he is only ever referred to by his code name, which adds to his mysterious and enigmatic persona. However, fans have speculated that his real name is actually Sergio Marquina, based on a brief mention of this name in the show’s first season. This theory has gained traction due to the fact that the name Sergio Marquina appears in the show’s credits, as the actor who plays Berlin’s doctor.
The Secret Connection Between The Professor and Berlin
Throughout the series, it’s clear that the Professor and Berlin have a complicated and tumultuous relationship. But fans have speculated that there’s more to their connection than meets the eye. One theory suggests that the two are actually brothers, based on a scene in which Berlin refers to the Professor as “little brother”. Another theory posits that the Professor is actually Berlin’s son, due to a number of subtle hints dropped throughout the series.
The Hidden Meaning Behind The Names
Money Heist is known for its intricate plot, and fans have suggested that even the characters’ names have hidden meanings. For example, Tokyo’s real name is revealed to be Silene Oliveira, which fans have interpreted as a reference to the Greek myth of Silenus, who was known for his love of wine and partying. Similarly, fans have speculated that the name Helsinki is a reference to the Finnish capital, which is known for its cold climate and stoic people.
The Theory That Nairobi is Still Alive
One of the most heartbreaking moments in the series comes when fan-favorite character Nairobi is shot and killed. However, some fans have suggested that there are clues in the show that suggest she may actually still be alive. For example, in one scene, Nairobi appears to be breathing even after being shot, which some fans have suggested is a sign that she’s still alive. Additionally, in the final season, a character is seen wearing Nairobi’s signature bracelet, leading fans to believe that she may have somehow passed it on to someone else.
The Possibility of a Fifth Season
While the series wrapped up with its fourth season, fans have been speculating about the possibility of a fifth season. Some fans have pointed out that the show’s creator, Alex Pina, has hinted that there may be more story to tell. Additionally, some fans have suggested that the ending of the fourth season leaves room for a potential continuation, with some loose ends left untied and some characters’ fates left uncertain.
Money Heist is a show that has captivated audiences around the world, and its intricate plot and engaging characters have led to a wave of fan theories. From the hidden meanings behind the characters’ names to the possibility of a fifth season, these fan theories offer a fascinating look into the show’s rich and complex narrative. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a casual viewer, these theories are sure to blow your mind.
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