How to Hustle Money: 7 Ways to Make $32 Per Hour From Home

How to Hustle Money: As a motivated self-starter looking for ways to generate income from home, you’re in the right place. The truth is, there are many legitimate work from home jobs that pay 7 Ways to Make $32 Per Hour From Home hour or more if you have the right skills and hustle. Forget the scams and schemes – these real jobs provide the opportunity to earn a meaningful income working remotely on your own schedule. Whether you’re a writer, virtual assistant, tutor, or have another skill set, the jobs profiled here can help you achieve your goal of making $32 per hour from the comfort of home. With hard work and persistence, you’ll be well on your way to success as a remote professional. The future of work is flexible, and these jobs are your ticket to joining the work from home movement.

How Can I Make Hustle Money 7 Ways to Make $32 Per Hour

Checkout all unique ways.

Make $32 per Hour with These 7 Work from Home Jobs


Transcription involves converting audio files into text documents. As a transcriptionist, you listen to audio files and type out what is said word for word. Transcription jobs pay an average of $15 to $30 per hour. The key requirements are fast, accurate typing skills, excellent listening ability, and a computer with headphones.

Online Tutoring

If you have experience tutoring students in specific subjects, consider online tutoring. Online tutors assist students via video chat and screen sharing software. Subject matter experts in mathematics, sciences, English, and foreign languages are in high demand. Online tutors typically earn $14 to $22 per hour. The necessary qualifications are expertise in your chosen subject(s), teaching experience, and a computer with a webcam.

Website Testing

Website testing, also known as usability testing, means evaluating websites and mobile apps to identify any issues. As a website tester, you get paid to provide feedback on websites by performing various tasks on the site. Website testing jobs pay around $10 to $15 per hour. The key requirements are strong communication skills, attention to detail, and a computer with a stable internet connection.

Online Surveys

Filling out online surveys in your spare time can generate some extra money. Survey sites like Survey Junkie, Swagbucks, and InboxDollars allow you to earn cash for sharing your opinions on new products and services. Most surveys pay between $1 to $5 and take between 5 to 15 minutes to complete. Anyone over the age of 18 can sign up and participate. All you really want is a PC or cell phone with an internet connection.

Online Surveys – Make Money Giving Your Opinion

To make money from online surveys, you need to sign up with reputable survey companies. Look for those with a proven track record of paying participants. Two highly-rated options are Survey Junkie and Swagbucks.

Survey Junkie

With Survey Junkie, you can get paid directly via PayPal, gift cards or sweepstakes entries for sharing your opinions on products and services. Most surveys take 10 to 15 minutes and pay $1 to $5 each. To get started:

Sign up for a free Survey Junkie account. Give me some personal details subtleties to coordinate you with relevant surveys.

Check the available surveys and select ones you qualify for based on your profile. Some surveys have additional qualifying questions to ensure a good match.

Complete the surveys thoughtfully and honestly. Your answers help companies improve their products and services.

Redeem your points for cash or prizes once you reach the minimum threshold. Points typically convert to $1 for every 100 points.


Like Survey Junkie, Swagbucks rewards you for taking online surveys in the form of points called “Swag Bucks.” You can redeem them for cash via PayPal or gift cards to popular retailers. Tips for success:

  • Earn bonus Swag Bucks for meeting daily goals like searching the web, watching videos and playing games. Combining surveys with other activities helps you earn faster.
  • Look for high-paying surveys worth 75 to 200 Swag Bucks that take 15 to 25 minutes to complete. Surveys typically become available a few times each week.
  • Redeem your points for $5 to $25 gift cards or cash once you reach 300 to 2,500 points depending on the reward.

With a few hours a week, you can make $32 per hour or more completing online surveys in your spare time. While it requires some effort, getting paid for your opinion isn’t a bad way to earn extra money from home.

Freelance Writing – Get Paid to Write From Anyplace

Freelance writing is a flexible way to generate income from home. As a freelance writer, you are hired by companies, websites, individuals or marketing agencies to research and write blog posts, articles, press releases or other types of content.

Find Freelance Writing Jobs

Search online job boards like Upwork, Fiverr, or Flexjobs for freelance writing gigs. You can filter by your areas of expertise like technology, health, or business. Many freelance writers find jobs by pitching to websites, companies and individuals directly. Build up your portfolio by writing guest posts for industry blogs to establish your authority.

Set Your Rates

Experienced freelance writers typically charge between $25 to $100 per hour. As you gain more experience, you can build your rates.Charge by the project, word, or hour depending on the type of work. For example, charge $50 to $200 for a 500 to 1,000 word blog post. Press releases and long-form content like ebooks will be on the higher end of the range.

Necessary Skills

Strong writing and communication skills are essential to succeed as a freelance writer. You should have expertise in AP style and grammar. Have the option to direct careful research and interviews. Technical skills like using content management systems and project management tools will make you more efficient. Familiarity with search engine optimization helps you create content that ranks well in search engines.

Pros and Cons

The pros of freelance writing include flexibility, independence and higher pay potential. However, the inconsistent work and income can be a downside. Lack of benefits like health insurance is another consideration. Building a list of regular clients and establishing yourself as an expert in a niche can help provide more stability.

Freelance writing is an attractive opportunity if you have solid writing skills and the self-discipline to work independently. With some persistence, you can build up your business and generate a good income from the comfort of your own home.

Virtual Assistant -7 Ways to Make $32 Per Hour From Home Helping Others

As a virtual assistant, you offer regulatory help to people or organizations from a remotely. Tasks may include managing schedules, travel planning, email management, data entry, and more. According to Pascale, the average pay for a virtual assistant in the U.S. is $19 per hour. However, experienced VAs with specialized skills can make $30 per hour or higher.

To succeed as a VA, strong organizational and communication skills are essential. You should be proficient with productivity tools like Google’s G Suite or Microsoft Office. You may need to become an expert with industry-specific software depending on your clients’ needs. Many VAs obtain certifications to demonstrate their competency, such as those offered by the International Virtual Assistants Association.

There are a few ways to find work as a VA. You can market your services to local businesses, search online job boards, or create a profile on a website like Upwork or Fiverr. As you build up experience, aim for long-term clients to provide steady work. For the highest pay, develop a niche specialty, such as legal, medical or real estate support.

With some hustle, you can make $32 per hour or more as a VA. By focusing your efforts, improving your skills, and exceeding clients’ expectations, you can build up a roster of repeat customers and referrals. While the work may be done remotely, strong VAs thrive on meaningful connections and loyal partnerships with their clients. With the potential for a flexible schedule and high pay, virtual assisting can be a very rewarding work from home job.

Transcription – Make Money Typing Up Audio and Video Files

Transcription involves converting audio and video files into text documents. Many companies hire independent contractors to transcribe materials for them. As a transcriptionist working from home, you listen to audio files and type what you hear, or you watch video files and type what is said.

You will need a computer, high-speed internet connection, and word processing software. While transcription does require training and practice, the barriers to getting started are relatively low. You must have excellent listening skills, typing skills, and a high degree of accuracy.

Transcription jobs typically pay between $15 to $30 per hour. The amount you can make depends on your speed, accuracy, experience, and the difficulty of the audio. Legal and medical transcription jobs tend to pay higher rates. Many companies pay transcriptionists per audio hour, so faster, more skilled transcriptionists have the potential to make more money.

Some well-known companies that hire home-based transcriptionists include Rev, Transcribe Me, 3Play Media, and Quicktate. You can often find openings on their websites, as well as on broader job sites like Indeed, Monster and Flex Jobs. Building your experience by working for a transcription company is a good way to gain the necessary skills before venturing out on your own as an independent freelance transcriptionist.

In summary, transcription can be a rewarding work from home job if you have good listening and typing skills, a high degree of accuracy, and the motivation to turn audio into text documents. With practice, you can build up speed to increase your earning potential in this role.

Teach English Online – Tutor Students across the Globe

As an online English tutor, you can teach students remotely via video chat from anywhere in the world. Many websites connect tutors with students in Asia, especially China, where there is a high demand for learning English. Requirements typically include being a native English speaker, having a bachelor’s degree, and TEFL certification.

Some major companies that hire online English tutors include:

DaDaABC – Pay ranges from $14 to $22 per hour. You need a bachelor’s degree and TEFL/TESOL certification.

Qkids – Pay averages $16 to $20 per hour. You need a bachelor’s degree but TEFL certification is not required. They focus on teaching children ages 4 to 12.

VIPKID – Pay ranges from $14 to $22 per hour. A four year college education and TEFL/TESOL certificate are required. They also focus on teaching children, specifically ages 4 to 12.

Lessons are typically 25 to 40 minutes long. As a self-employed entity, you will set your own timetable. Many teachers find that early mornings and evenings in North America align well with daytime hours in Asia. Be sure to factor in additional time for planning lessons, providing feedback to students, and communicating with parents.

With the global need for learning English, teaching online is an opportunity to earn a competitive wage from home while gaining valuable international work experience. While teaching qualifications and experience are preferred, if you meet the minimum requirements, many companies offer training to help you become an effective online educator. With a reliable internet connection and a professional set-up, you can join this growing field of virtual teachers.

Affiliate Marketing – Earn Commissions Promoting Items On the web

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn commissions by promoting other companies’ products and services on your own website or social media platforms. As an affiliate, you sign up with affiliate networks like Amazon Associates, CJ Affiliate or Rakuten Marketing and get links to place on your site that track sales. When someone clicks a link and makes a purchase, you earn a percentage of the sale.

Choose Products to Promote

Select products and services that match your audience and content. Promote items you personally use and recommend to build trust. Some options include:

  • Physical products like books, clothing, and electronics
  • Digital products such as online courses, subscriptions, and software
  • Services such as web hosting, insurance, credit cards, and travel

Once approved for affiliate programs, place product links and banners in blog posts, social media updates, emails, and on your website. The networks provide tracking links to monitor traffic and sales. As people click links and buy, commissions are automatically deposited into your account or paid by check.

Build an Email List

An email list allows you to promote offers regularly to engaged subscribers. Provide useful content and highlight affiliate products sparingly. Keep your emails short, value-packed and personable. Aweber and MailChimp are two top services for building lists and sending emails.

With some effort, affiliate marketing can become a dependable way to generate income from the comfort of your own home on a flexible schedule. The key is choosing products you genuinely recommend, building trust with your audience, and providing an easy way for people to click through to buy.


In summary, the opportunities to generate income working from home are abundant if you have the motivation and determination. While not all of these jobs will be ideal for everyone, with some experimenting you can find the right fit for your skills and work-life balance needs. The key is to start putting in the effort to search for jobs, learn new skills if needed, polish your resume, and begin the application and interview process. With time and persistence, you’ll be well on your way to earning $32 per hour or more from the comfort of home. The only thing holding you back from achieving this goal is yourself. Now get out there and make it happen!

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