How to Make Money from Rumble

How to Make Money from Rumble: As an aspiring content creator, you are always on the lookout for new ways to build your audience and generate revenue from your work. One platform that offers opportunities for both is Rumble, a video-sharing network that rewards creators and curators. Whether you are producing original video content, curating viral internet videos, or a combination of the two, Rumble provides multiple paths to monetization.

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to leverage Rumble to start making money from your videos. First, you will discover how to become an official Rumble creator, which unlocks revenue sharing and access to the Rumble Creator Fund. You will then explore ways to drive traffic to your Rumble channel through cross-promotion on other platforms. Finally, you will get strategies for earning revenue on Rumble through their ad partnership program, channel subscriptions, and more.

If you are ready to turn your passion for creating and sharing video content into a money-making endeavor, Rumble provides the perfect opportunity. Follow the steps in this guide to start earning income from your Rumble channel and build a sustainable side business as an influencer. The potential for profit is real if you’re willing to put in the work. Let’s get started!

What Is Rumble and How Does It Work?

Rumble is an app that allows users to upload and share short videos, typically around 3 to 5 minutes in length. Once you’ve created an account, you can upload your own videos or view content from other creators. Rumble operates similarly to other short-form video platforms like YouTube, TikTok and Instagram.

To get started earning money on Rumble, you first need to become a creator by signing up for an account and uploading your first video. Rumble creators, known as Rumblers, can monetize their content through the Rumble Ad Revenue Share program. This program allows creators to earn a portion of the ad revenue generated from ads shown on their video content. The more views and engagements your videos receive, the more you can earn.

To maximize your earning potential on Rumble, focus on uploading high-quality, engaging content on a consistent basis. Things like an eye-catching thumbnail, descriptive title and tags, popular content categories, and trending topics or challenges can all help to increase views and drive more ad revenue. You should also engage with your viewers by liking and replying to their comments.

Rumble issues payments on the 15th of each month for the previous month’s earnings. You must earn at least $50 in a month to receive a payment. Payments are issued via PayPal, wire transfer, or check for creators in the U.S. and Canada. International creators can be paid via wire transfer.

By uploading popular and consistent content, engaging with your viewers, and utilizing strategies to increase video views, you can earn a decent side income through the Rumble platform. With time and dedication, some top creators are even able to turn it into a full-time job.

Creating a Rumble Account and Setting up Your Channel

To start making money with Rumble, you first need to create an account and set up your channel.

Creating a Rumble Account

To sign up for a Rumble account, go to and click the Sign Up button. You will be prompted to enter some basic information like your email address, first name, last name, and a password. Rumble uses this information to verify your identity and will not share it with third parties.

Open the link to approve your email address. Your Rumble account is now created and you can begin setting up your channel.

Configuring Your Rumble Channel

A Rumble channel is where you will upload your video content, build your audience, and ultimately monetize your videos. To create your channel:

  1. Login to your Rumble account and click Create Channel
  2. Choose a unique channel name and URL. Your channel name and URL will become your brand on Rumble so choose something memorable.
  3. Select channel categories that match your video content. This helps viewers discover your channel. You can select Upto 3 categories.
  4. Write an engaging channel description to tell viewers about your channel’s content and mission. Mention your upload schedule and ways viewers can support you.
  5. Customize your channel art including a profile photo, channel art photo, and video watermark. Use your branding to build a professional image.
  6. Choose default video settings like allowing comments, video ratings, and video sharing. You can adjust these for each individual video.
  7. Connect your channel to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to increase your reach. Linking to your other profiles builds credibility and cross-promotes your content.
  8. Review and agree to Rumble’s monetization policies. This allows Rumble to run ads on your content and share the revenue with you.

Your Rumble channel is now set up and ready for you to start uploading videos. Be sure to promote your new channel on social media to build your initial audience. With regular uploads and consistent engagement, your viewership and earnings will grow over time.

Optimizing Your Rumble Channel and Videos for Maximum Views

To optimize your Rumble channel and videos for maximum views, there are several best practices you should follow:

Choose an Engaging Thumbnail and Title

The thumbnail and title are the first things viewers see when browsing Rumble, so make them eye-catching. For the thumbnail, use a striking image from your video and add large text. For the title, choose a descriptive title that creates curiosity. Exclude all keywords that people would search for.

Upload High-Quality Videos

Viewers expect high resolution, professionally-edited content on Rumble. Use a high-definition camera to film and editing software to polish your videos. Keep videos under 2 minutes in length.

Add Descriptive Tags and Categories

Assigning relevant tags and categories to your video helps viewers find your content. Choose tags and categories that match your video topic and that people would logically search for. Select categories like “Tech” and “Science & Technology”.

Engage with Viewers in the Comments

Building a connection with your viewers leads to more views and shares. Respond to viewers in the comments section of your videos. Answer questions, provide more details, and express appreciation for feedback. Viewers will become more invested in your channel.

Cross-Promote on Other Platforms

To gain more views on Rumble, promote your videos on other social platforms where you have a following like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Cross-promotion exposes new audiences to your Rumble channel and content. Provide links to your Rumble videos to make it easy for people to find them.

Post New Videos Regularly

Uploading new videos regularly keeps your viewers engaged and coming back to your channel. Aim for posting at least one new video each week. Viewers will begin to expect and look forward to your latest uploads. New content also gives viewers more reasons to share your videos, fueling the growth of your views and following.

Following these best practices will optimize your Rumble channel and videos, increasing your views and building your viewership over time through high quality, searchable content and an engaged community. Consistency and persistence are key.

Monetization: Earn Money on Rumble

Once you have created quality content and built up an engaged audience on Rumble, it’s time to start earning money from your channel. Rumble offers several monetization options for creators to generate revenue from their content.


One of the primary ways to make money on Rumble is through advertising. Rumble has an advertising program that allows you to earn a portion of the ad revenue generated on your channel. To qualify, you need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past month. Rumble will place ads on your content and you earn 50-90% of the ad revenue. The exact percentage depends on factors like your location, content type, and audience.

Channel Memberships

One more way to earn money on Rumble is through channel affiliations. Viewers can pay a monthly fee to become a member of your channel to access custom badges, emoji’s, live streams, and other perks you offer. As a creator, you keep 90-97% of all membership revenue. To enable memberships, you need at least 1,000 subscribers and 10,000 monthly views.

Rumble Fund

The Rumble Fund allows viewers to tip creators directly on Rumble. Viewers can donate virtual Rumble Coins which have a value of $1 USD per coin. Creators keep 100% of the Rumble Coins donated to them. The minimum to cash out Rumble Coins is $10 USD. This is an easy way for devoted fans to support their favorite creators on Rumble.

Additional Opportunities

Rumble also offers additional ways for established creators to make money, such as:

  • Product placements and sponsorships: Work with brands to promote their products in your content.
  • Live streaming: Earn money through viewer donations, memberships, and ads during your live streams.
  • Licensing your content: Allow media companies and other third parties to license and distribute your content. Rumble takes a percentage of the licensing fees.

By utilizing the various monetization features on Rumble, you can start earning money from your channel and turn your passion into a profitable content creation business. The key is to consistently produce high-quality, engaging content, build your audience, and provide value to your viewers. With time and dedication, you can establish yourself as an influencer on Rumble and beyond.

Tips and Strategies to Grow Your Audience and Income on Rumble

To grow your audience and income on Rumble, the following tips and strategies can help:

Optimize Your Channel

Focus on creating an optimized channel that is inviting and professional. Choose a channel name, profile photo, and cover photo that are consistent with your brand and content focus. Write an engaging channel description that includes relevant keywords, outlines your content, and encourages viewers to subscribe. Organize your content into playlists to make it easy to navigate.

Post High-Quality Content Consistently

The key to success on Rumble is uploading new content on a consistent schedule. Aim for posting 2-3 short videos per week, or 1 long-form video. Keep your content timely and focused on trending topics in your niche. Production quality matters, so invest in good lighting and audio equipment if needed. Viewers will come to expect and look forward to your regular content updates.

Engage With Your Audience

Take time to engage with your viewers in the comments section. Respond to their comments and questions, and also comment on other creators’ content in your niche. Engaging with your audience builds loyalty and a personal connection. It also signals to the Rumble algorithm that your channel is active and generating interest.

Collaborate With Other Creators

Work together with other creators is a great way to reach new viewers. You can collaborate by featuring other creators on your channel, co-hosting livestreams together, or by appearing on each other’s shows. Reach out to creators with a similar style and follower base, and look for mutually beneficial opportunities to cross-promote. Successful collaborations often lead to gaining new subscribers from the other creator’s audience.

Monetize Your Channel

Once you have built up your views and subscribers, you can monetize your Rumble channel through the Rumble Partner Program. Options include earning 55% of ad revenue, paid sponsorships and product placements, fan sponsorships through the Rumble Fund, and selling merchandise. Continuing to post quality content, engage your viewers, and optimize your channel will maximize your earning potential.


At this point, you should have a solid understanding of how to make money from Rumble. From uploading your original video content to building an engaged audience and becoming a Rumble creator, there are many opportunities to generate revenue. If you go in with realistic expectations, focus on high quality content and community building, the potential payouts can be well worth the effort. The key is just to start creating and see where your journey leads you. With hard work and persistence, Rumble may become a source of income that provides creative and financial freedom. The only thing left to do now is get out there, start filming and build your audience. Good luck!

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