Reddit Wants to Pay You: How to Make Money Posting on Reddit

How to Make Money Posting on Reddit: As an avid Reddit user, you may have wondered if there’s a way to monetize your time spent posting and engaging with others on the popular site. Reddit wants to reward its loyal community members and has announced a new program to pay users for popular posts. If you’ve developed a knack for posting content that generates significant upvotes and discussion, you now have the opportunity to earn money from your Reddit activity. Through Reddit’s new Community Points program, you’ll be able to convert your upvotes and karma into real money. Here’s have some works how can start your earning today by creating posts and your love.

Reddits New Pilot Program: Get Paid for Popular Posts

Reddit recently announced a new pilot program that will allow choice users to earn money for popular posts. How the Program Works

If selected for the program, Reddit will notify you and provide details on how to monetize your posts. For all intents and purposes, you will have the opportunity to earn money from ads that run adjacent to your posts. Reddit shares a portion of the ad revenue with you for driving traffic and engagement.

To be eligible, you must have a history of posting popular content that garners upvotes, comments, and traffic. Reddit wants creators who post original content in a variety of formats, including text posts, images, GIFs, and video. They are looking for posts that spark thoughtful discussion and interest from the Reddit community.

What Type of Content is Eligible

Almost any type of post can earn money as long as it follows Reddits content policies. Some examples include:

  • Interesting photos or videos you captured yourself.
  • Detailed stories or experiences from your life.
  • Explanations or lessons on hobbies, skills, or areas of expertise.
  • Long-form essays or analyzes on topics you care about.
  • Ask Me Anything posts where you have a dialog with commenters.
  • Niche community discussions that bring people together around a shared interest.

The key is posting authentic content that provides value to users and aligns with your passions or interests. With Reddits huge volume of traffic and diverse communities, you have the potential to reach a wide audience and build an engaged following.

If selected for the pilot program, take advantage of this opportunity to get paid for doing what you already love on Reddit. Be sure to continue posting high quality content, engage with your followers, and work with Reddits team to optimize your earnings. With time and dedication, popular Reddit creators can make this a lucrative endeavor.

How Reddit Plans to Pay Users for Quality Content

Reddit recently announced plans to launch a program allowing users to earn money for popular posts. Here’s how the program will work:

The Community Points Program

Reddit will distribute Community Points to reward users who contribute engaging content. You’ll earn points when other users upvote your posts and comments. The points can then be used to unlock features like custom emoji’s or exchanged for cash.

To start, the program will be tested on two subreddits: Cryptocurrency and FortNiteBR. If successful, Reddit hopes to expand the program to more communities.

How you will Earn Money

How to Make Money Posting on Reddit: You will need to enable a Community Points wallet to participate. Then, simply post and comment as usual. For every upvote on your content, you will receive a fraction of a Community Point. The exact amount will depend on the specific subreddit.

Once you have accumulated enough points, you can convert them to cash. Reddit will partner with block chain companies to facilitate the conversions and cash-outs. The value of points may fluctuate based on supply and demand, but Reddit aims for most users to earn a few dollars per month.

While still in the early stages, Reddits Community Points program has the potential to fundamentally change how content creators are rewarded online. If the initial tests are successful, the program could provide an exciting new way for users to earn money from their hobbies and interests. Overall, the program seems poised to benefit both Reddits and the platform as a whole by incentivizing the creation of high-quality content.

Requirements and Eligibility to Earn Money on Reddit

How to Make Money Posting on Reddit: To earn money posting on Reddit, there are a few basic requirements and eligibility criteria you must meet.

Account Requirements

To qualify for Reddit’s monetization program, you must have an active Reddit account that is at least 90 days old. Your account must also have a minimum of 30 post karma and 30 comment karma. Karma is gained when other Reddit users upvote your posts and comments. Establishing an account and gaining karma shows Reddit you are an active member of the community.

Quality and Engagement

Reddit wants to reward users who post high-quality and engaging content. To earn money, your posts must receive a minimum number of upvotes, comments, and engagements within a certain time period. The exact metrics are still being determined by Reddit. In general, aim for posts that spark discussion, share useful information, or make people laugh. Posts that are spammy, low-effort, or violate Reddit’s content policies will not qualify for monetization.

Opting In

Once your account meets the requirements and you have a history of popular posts, you can opt in to Reddit’s monetization program. Go to your profile settings and turn on the setting to allow your content to be monetized. Reddit will then begin tracking the engagement and traffic on your new posts. If a post exceeds the engagement thresholds, you will earn a share of the revenue from the ads displayed on that post. Reddit uses an algorithm to determine how much you will earn for each qualifying post.

Monetizing Your Best Content

The key to earning money on Reddit is consistently posting engaging content that provides value to the community. Do not just spam low-effort posts in hopes of going viral. Really focus on sharing your best and most interesting content. If you build a reputation for high quality posts, your followers will upvote and engage with your new posts, increasing your chances of meeting the monetization metrics. With time and practice, you can turn your hobby of posting on Reddit into a lucrative side hustle.

How Much Can You Realistically Make From Reddit Posts?

How Much Can You Realistically Make From Reddit Posts?

While Reddit has announced its intention to begin compensating users for popular posts, the exact payment details and structure have not yet been released. However, based on the monetization models of other social platforms, you can expect the following:

  • Payments for individual posts will likely be small, potentially ranging from a few cents up to a couple dollars per 1,000 upvotes. The actual amount will depend on factors like the subreddit, content type, overall popularity, and level of engagement. Don’t expect to become wealthy from a single viral Reddit post.
  • Reddit may implement a revenue sharing model, where a percentage of the advertising revenue from your posts is paid out to you. Again, the exact percentage would depend on the factors mentioned above. Under this model, highly engaged users and moderators of popular subreddits may stand to earn more.
  • Reddit could offer a bonus or incentive program to reward users who consistently contribute engaging content. For example, earning a certain number of upvotes or reaching a karma threshold over a period of time may make you eligible for a bonus. This encourages users to keep posting popular content.
  • Some subreddits may implement their own payment structures or tipping models. For example, a photography subreddit may allow users to tip content creators for helpful tutorials or impressive photos. However, Reddit would likely take a percentage of any tips or payments made through their platform.

Reddits New Monetization Model Presents an Opportunity

While Reddits new monetization model presents an opportunity to earn some money from your contributions, don’t expect it to replace your day job. For most casual users, potential earnings will amount to the digital equivalent of pocket change. However, prolific posters and moderators, especially on large, active subreddits, stand to gain more substantial compensation for their time and efforts. Overall, keep your expectations modest, continue engaging with the communities you care about, and view any payments as a nice added bonus for your participation on the platform.

Tips and Strategies to Create Viral Reddit Posts

To increase your chances of creating a viral post on Reddit, here are several tips and strategies:

Choose an Eye-Catching Title

The title is the first thing people see, so make it attention-grabbing. Use emotive language, an interesting statistic, or pose an intriguing question. Keep titles concise, around 60 to 70 characters.

Post High-Quality and Relevant Content

Redditors value posts that are informative, useful, and relevant to the subreddit topic. Ensure any content you post, whether an article, video, or image, is high-quality, factually accurate, and specifically tailored to the interests of that subreddit.

Comment on Your Own Post

Don’t just post and leave – engage with commenters by replying to their comments with follow up questions or responses. This interaction will increase visibility and encourage more upvotes and comments. Thank users who provide helpful feedback or ask good questions.

Post at Optimal Times

The timing of your post can impact visibility. According to studies, the best times to post on Reddit are early mornings on weekdays, around 8 am EST. Weekends also see high traffic, especially Sunday evenings. Avoid posting during typical work hours on weekdays.

Be an Active Community Member

Don’t use Reddit just to promote your own content. Spend time upvoting and commenting on other posts within your target subreddits. Offer value by answering questions and attractive in discussions. Build goodwill and establish yourself as an active member of the community. Your posts will then seem more authentic and less self-promotional to others.

Consider Cross-Posting

If you have content that would be relevant for multiple subreddits, consider cross-posting by sharing it in more than one subreddit. This exposes your post to different audiences and increases the potential for upvotes and comments. However, only cross-post if the content is highly relevant for both subreddits.

Following these best practices will optimize your chances of creating viral Reddit posts that garner significant upvotes, comments, and shares. But remember, virility on Reddit is often unpredictable, so consistently providing value to your target communities is the surest path to success.


As you have learned, Reddit is offering new ways for users to monetize their content and participation. While Reddits payment models are still evolving, the opportunities to generate revenue from posting and commenting are real. With Reddits large audience and engaged community, you have a chance to build an audience, create popular content, and get paid.

For those looking to supplement their income or simply get paid for a hobby, Reddits payment programs are worth exploring. With some work cultivating an audience, creating popular posts and comments, and participating actively in the community, you have a shot at making real money from Reddit. Cash for content is coming, and Reddit wants to pay you.

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