How To Make Money With Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a program that allows site proprietors to earn money by showing ads on their websites. To earn money with AdSense, you should need to sign up for an AdSense account and add the Google AdSense code to your website. The ads that are displayed will be relevant to the content on your site, and you will earn a portion of the revenue generated by clicks on the ads. To optimize your earnings, you can experiment with ad placement, and make sure to have high-quality content that attracts visitors to your site. Additionally, you can try to increase your website traffic and engagement, which in turn will increase your ad revenue.

Benefits of Using Google AdSense

There are several benefits of using Google AdSense to monetize your website:

Easy to Set Up and Use

AdSense is easy to use and you can set up your account and add the ad code to your website in just a few minutes.

High Earning Potential

AdSense allows you to earn money from your website by displaying relevant ads to your visitors. You can earn a significant amount of money if you have a high-traffic website.

Customizable Ad Options

AdSense offers a variety of ad formats, including text, image, and video ads that can be customized to match the look and feel of your website.

Targeted Advertising

AdSense uses sophisticated algorithms to match ads to your website content, which means that the ads displayed are relevant to your visitors and more likely to be clicked on.

Detailed Performance Reporting

AdSense provides detailed reports on your earnings, ad performance, and website traffic, which helps you to optimize your ad placement and improve your earnings.

Google’s Trust and Reliability

AdSense is a program by Google, the most popular and reliable search engine. This will bring trust and reliability to your website.

Google AdSense Requirements

To use Google AdSense, you must meet certain requirements:

  1. Your website must be active and accessible to the public.
  2. Your website must contain original content that is useful to visitors.
  3. Your website must comply with the AdSense program policies. These policies prohibit certain types of content and activities, such as adult content, copyrighted material, and misleading or deceptive practices.
  4. Your website must have a privacy policy that is accessible to visitors.
  5. You must have a valid email address and a valid payment method to receive payments from AdSense.
  6. You must be 18 years or older to participate in the program
  7. Google AdSense also requires that your website must have a certain amount of content, at least enough to be able to show ads.
  8. Your website should be in a language that is supported by AdSense.
  9. Your website should not be under construction, or have a coming soon page.

Note that AdSense has the right to decline your application if your website does not meet these requirements.

6 Types of Google AdSense Ads

Google AdSense offers several types of ads that can be displayed on your website:

Text ads

These are simple text-based ads that display a headline, description, and URL. They can be redone to match the look and feel of your site.

Display ads

These are image-based ads that can come in a variety of sizes and formats, including static, animated, and interactive ads. They can be used to promote products, services, or apps.

Link Units

These are text-based ads that display a list of relevant links. They can be used to promote other pages on your website or related content.

Matched Content

A unit that shows related content from your website to your visitors.

In-Feed Ads

These ads are embedded within the content feed of your website, such as in a blog post or news article.

In-Article Ads

These are similar to in-feed ads but they are specifically designed to be placed within the content of a page, article, or story.

Note that these are the most common ads types, AdSense may have other ad types or new features that they may roll out in the future.

Display Ads

Display ads are a type of online advertising that uses images, videos, and other multimedia elements to grab the attention of users. They are typically found on websites, social media platforms, and mobile apps, and can be used for various advertising goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, and promoting products or services.

These are more than a few different types of display ads, together:

Static Display Ads

These are the most basic form of display ads, and are typically simple images or graphics that don’t include any animation or video. They are often used to promote products or services and can be found on a variety of websites and social media platforms.

Animated Display Ads

These ads use animation or video to grab the attention of users. They can include moving images, text, or other multimedia elements and are commonly used to promote products or services or to increase brand awareness.

Interactive Display Ads

These ads allow users to interact with them in some way, such as by hovering over an ad or clicking on a button. They are normally used to sponsor products or services or to increase brand awareness.

Expanding Display Ads

These ads start out as a smaller size and then expand when a user interacts with them. They are usually used to promote products or services or to increase brand awareness.

Video Display Ads

These ads are in video format, they can be found in the middle of a video, as a pre-roll or post-roll. They are commonly used to sponsor products or services or to increase brand awareness.

Rich Media Display Ads

These ads are a combination of various multimedia elements, such as video, audio, and interactive elements. They are generally used to sponsor products or services or to increase brand awareness.

All these types of display ads can be used on Google AdSense, and the format and type of the ads will be determined by the advertiser.

Native Ads

Native ads are a type of online advertising that blend seamlessly into the content of a website or mobile app. They are designed to look and feel like the content that surrounds them, making them less intrusive and more appealing to users. Native ads are often used to promote products or services or to increase brand awareness.

There are some different types of native ads, together:

In-Feed Native Ads

These ads are placed within a user’s feed of content, such as in a news website, and they are commonly shown between articles. They are designed to look like the content that surrounds them and can include text, images, and videos.

In-Article Native Ads

These ads appear within the content of an article, they can be found in between the text. They are designed to look like the content that surrounds them and can include text, images, and videos.

Sponsored Content Native Ads

These ads are created by the publisher, but the content is sponsored by an advertiser. They are designed to look like the content that surround them, and can include text, images, and videos.

Recommendation Widgets

These ads appear as a list of recommended content and are commonly found at the end of articles. They are designed to look like the content that surrounds them and can include text, images, and videos.

Search Native Ads

These ads appear in the search results of a website or mobile app, they blend seamlessly into the content of the search results. They are designed to look like the content that surround them and can include text, images, and videos.

Custom Native Ads

These ads are created to match the specific look and feel of a website or mobile app, they can be designed to fit in any part of the website or app.

All these types of native ads can be used on Google AdSense, and the format and type of the ads will be determined by the advertiser. They can help increase user engagement and generate more revenue for the publisher, since they are less intrusive and more appealing to users.

Search Engine Ads

Search engine ads are a type of online advertising that appears at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when customers search for particular keywords. They are also known as pay-per-click (PPC) ads, as advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their ad. Search engine ads are typically used to drive website traffic, promote products or services, and increase brand awareness.

The most popular search engine for ads is Google, which operates the Google Ads platform, which allows businesses to create and run ads on Google search results in pages, as well as other websites in the Google Display Network. Bing Ads is another popular platform for search engine ads that allows businesses to run ads on Bing, Yahoo, and AOL search results from pages.

Search engine ads typically include a headline, a description, and a link to the advertiser’s website. They can also include additional features such as site links, call-out extensions, and structured snippets. Advertisers can target their ads to specific audiences based on factors such as location, device, and time of day.

Advertisers bid on keywords that they want their ads to appear for, and the amount they bid determines where their ads will appear on the page. Publicists possibly pay when a client taps on their promotion, consequently the name pay-per-click.

Search engine ads can be an effective way for businesses to reach their target audiences, but it can be a competitive and costly process, requiring careful targeting and monitoring to get the best results.


AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) ads are a type of online advertising that is optimized for mobile devices and designed to load quickly on web pages. They are intended to provide a better user experience by loading faster than traditional ads, and they can be used to promote products or services, increase brand awareness, and drive website traffic.

AMP ads are built using AMP HTML, a subset of HTML that is optimized for performance. They can include text, images, and videos, and are typically smaller in size than traditional ads. They are also designed to be less intrusive and blend seamlessly into the content of a web page.

Google AdSense and Google Ad Manager support AMP ads. Google has also built an AMP ad library that allows AMP ads to be served on AMP pages, these are called AMP HTML ads.

There are several different types of AMP ads, including:


These are the most basic form of AMP ads, and are typically simple images or graphics that don’t include any animation or video. They are often used to promote products or services, and can be found on a variety of websites and social media platforms.

AMPHTML video Ads

These are video format, they can be found in the middle of a video, as a pre-roll or post-roll. They are commonly used to promote products or services, or to increase brand awareness.

AMPHTML Carousel Ads

These ads are a series of images that can be swiped through, they can be used to promote products or services, or to increase brand awareness.

AMPHTML Lightbox Ads

These ads appear in a lightbox that overlays the content of the web page, they can be used to promote products or services, or to increase brand awareness.

Using AMP ads can help improve the user experience, by reducing the time it takes for web pages to load and making it easier for users to interact with the content of a web page. However, the number of ad formats available is limited, compared to traditional ads.

How to Apply for an AdSense Account

Applying for an AdSense account is a straightforward process. Here are the steps you can follow to apply for an AdSense account:

  1. Fast go to the Google AdSense website and click the “Sign up” button.
  2. Second Sign in with your Google AdSense account or create a new one if you don’t have any account.
  3. Provide your website URL, choose the email address and password you want to use for your AdSense account, and fill out the other required information.
  4. Click the “Save and proceed” button to continue on toward the following stage.
  5. Review and accept the AdSense terms and conditions and the program policies.
  6. AdSense will then review your application and your website. This cycle can require up to a couple of days.
  7. If your application is approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to add an AdSense ad code to your website.
  8. Once you add the ad code to your website, you can start earning money from clicks on the ads.

Note: That in some cases, Google AdSense may require additional information or documentation during the application process. Also, if your application is rejected, you can re-apply after addressing the reasons for rejection.

Link Google AdSense to Your Gmail Account

To link your AdSense account to your Google account, you will need to sign in to your AdSense account and then follow these steps:

  1. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of your AdSense dashboard
  2. Select “Account” from the drop-down menu
  3. Click on “Account Information
  4. Click on the “Linked accounts” tab
  5. Click on “Link a new account
  6. Enter the email address and password for the Google account that you want to link to your AdSense account
  7. Click on “Link account

Once you have linked your accounts, you will be able to access your AdSense earnings and other account information from your Google account.

Add Your Website to Google AdSense

To add your website to Google AdSense, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account
  2. Click on the “Sites” tab
  3. Click on the “Add site” button
  4. Enter the URL of your website and click on “Continue
  5. Review and accept the AdSense program policies
  6. Choose the ad formats you want to use on your website
  7. Generate the ad code for your website
  8. Place the ad code on your website, in the locations where you want the ads to appear.

You will need to place the ad code on every page of your website that you want to show ads on.

Once you’ve placed the ad code, it may take up to 48 hours for AdSense to start displaying ads on your website. You will receive a notification once your site has been reviewed and approved.

Please note that it is important to make sure your website is in compliance with AdSense program policies. You will not be able to monetize your website if it violates any of the policies.

Provide Payment Details

To provide payment details for your AdSense account, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account
  2. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of your AdSense dashboard
  3. Select “Payments” from the drop-down menu
  4. Click on “Add payment method
  5. Select the payment method you want to use (e.g. electronic transfer, check)
  6. Fill in the required fields (e.g. bank account details for electronic transfer, mailing address for check)
  7. Click on “Save

Please note that the available payment methods may vary depending on your country and currency. It is also important to make sure that your payment details are accurate and up-to-date to avoid any delays or issues with receiving payments from AdSense.

You can also set up tax information if you haven’t already done so, this can be done in the payments tab.

AdSense payments are generally processed once a month, and typically take around 2-3 weeks to be credited to your account, but it can vary depending on your location and chosen method of payment.

How Does Google AdSense Payment Work?

Google AdSense is a program that permits site proprietors to show promotions on their destinations and bring in cash when clients click on those advertisements. Payments for AdSense are made on a monthly basis, with a minimum threshold that must be reached before a payment is issued. The threshold amount varies by country, but it is usually around $100.

Once you have reached the payment threshold, Google will issue a payment to your account on or around the 21st of the month for the previous month’s earnings. The payment method you have chosen (e.g. electronic transfer, check) will be used to issue the payment.

The amount of money you earn from AdSense is determined by a number of factors, including the number of clicks on the ads on your site.

It is important to note that Google takes a percentage of AdSense earnings as a commission, which is typically around 30%. Additionally, certain countries and payment methods may have additional fees.

Google also has a policy of invalid click activity and if they detect any, they might hold the payments and even terminate the account.


How Time-consuming Does It Take to Get a Google AdSense Account Approved?

The time it takes for a Google AdSense account to be approved can vary. It typically takes around 1-2 weeks for Google to review and approve an AdSense application. However, it can take longer in some cases, especially if there are issues with your application or if your website does not meet the AdSense program policies.

There are several factors that can affect the approval process, such as the quality of your website and the content it provides. It’s important that your website has high-quality, original content and is easy to navigate. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that your website is in compliance with AdSense program policies, such as not having copyright infringement, adult content, and illegal activities.

Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive an email from Google indicating whether your application has been approved or denied. If your application is approved, you will be able to start displaying ads on your website and earning money through AdSense. If your application is denied, Google will provide the reason why and you can make the necessary changes to your website and re-apply again.

It’s also important to note that once your account is approved, it may take up to 48 hours for AdSense to start displaying ads on your website.

How Much You Will Earn With Google AdSense? 

The amount of money you can earn with Google AdSense can vary greatly depending on several factors such as the traffic to your website, the number of clicks on the ads, the cost per click (CPC) of the ads, and the ad formats you choose to display.

A website with a lot of traffic and high-quality content can earn more than a website with less traffic and lower-quality content. Additionally, the cost per click of an ad can vary depending on the industry and the competition for certain keywords, so some websites may earn more per click than others.

It’s also important to note that Google takes a percentage of AdSense earnings as a commission, which is typically around 30%. Additionally, certain countries and payment methods may have additional fees.

It’s difficult to give an estimate of how much one can earn with Adsense without knowing more information about the website traffic, niche, and content. However, many websites that are monetized with Adsense earn a few dollars to a few hundred dollars per month, while some large websites with high-traffic can earn thousands or even millions of dollars per month.

It’s important to keep in mind that AdSense income is not guaranteed and it’s also not an overnight way to make money. It requires consistent effort to increase website traffic, improve the user experience and make sure your website is in compliance with the AdSense policies.

How Much Does Google AdSense Pay Per Click?

The amount that Google AdSense pays for one click can vary greatly depending on a number of factors such as the niche of your website, the competition for certain keywords, and the cost-per-click (CPC) of the ads.

CPC is the amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for each click on their ad, and it can vary greatly depending on the industry and the competition for certain keywords. Niches such as finance, legal and insurance tend to have higher CPCs than others such as entertainment or personal blogs.

The average CPC for AdSense ads can range from a few cents to several dollars, with some ads having a very low CPC while others having a very high CPC. However, it’s important to note that these are just estimates, and the actual CPC of an ad can vary greatly depending on the niche, keywords, and competition.

It’s also important to note that Google takes a percentage of AdSense earnings as a commission, which is typically around 30%. Additionally, certain countries and payment methods may have additional fees.

Additionally, the number of clicks on the ads, the ad formats you choose to display, the traffic to your website, and the quality of your website content and user experience are also factors that can affect the total earnings from AdSense.

Google AdSense vs Google AdX – What’s the Difference?

Google AdX and Google AdSense are both advertising platforms offered by Google, but they serve different purposes and have different target audiences.

Google AdSense is a program that allows website owners and publishers to display ads on their sites and earn money when users click on those ads. AdSense is designed for small and medium-sized website owners and publishers who want to monetize their content.

Google AdX (Ad Exchange) is a platform that allows advertisers to buy and sell advertising inventory through real-time bidding. AdX is designed for larger website owners and publishers, as well as for brands and agencies that want to purchase advertising inventory to reach specific audiences.

In summary, AdSense is for website owners and publishers who want to monetize their content by displaying ads on their site, while AdX is for brands and agencies who want to purchase advertising inventory to reach specific audiences. AdX is also designed for larger publishers who have a high volume of ad inventory and the technical infrastructure to handle real-time bidding.

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