What is a Robots.txt File? How to Create a Robots.txt File


A robots.txt file is a file that you can place at the root of your website to instruct web crawlers and other bots about which pages or files on your website should not be accessed. It is used as a standard for communication between web servers and web crawlers or bots, and it is not a requirement for a website to have a robots.txt file.

To create a robots.txt file, you can use a simple text editor to create a plain text file and save it with the name robots.txt. You can then place this file in the root directory of your website.

In the robots.txt file, you can specify which pages or files are on. Open a plain code editor, Like VS Code, Notepad, or TextEdit. your website should not be accessed by bots by using the Disallow directive.

For Example:

This robots.txt file tells all web crawlers that they should not access any pages or files in the /private/ and /tmp/ directories on your website.

It is important to note that while a robots.txt file can be used to instruct bots not to access certain pages or files on your website, it is not a reliable means of protecting sensitive or private information. Bots may still access pages or files on your website even if they are disallowed in your robots.txt file, so you should not rely on it for security.

How to Create a Robots.txt file

Follow These Steps:

  1. Open a plain text editor, Like VS Code, Notepad, or TextEdit.
  2. Kind the following lines addicted to the code editor:
  3. Save the file with the name robots.txt.
  4. Upload the robots.txt file to the root directory of your website.

This robots.txt file allows all web crawlers to access all pages and files on your website. If you want to disallow access to certain pages or files, you can use the Disallow directive as shown in my previous response.

For example, to disallow access to the /private/ directory on your website, you would update the robots.txt file like this:

This tells all web crawlers that they should not access any pages or files in the /private/ directory on your website.

It is important to note that while a robots.txt file can be used to instruct bots not to access certain pages or files on your website, it is not a reliable means of protecting sensitive or private information. Bots may still access pages or files on your website even if they are disallowed in your robots.txt file, so you should not rely on it for security.